Thursday, January 1, 2009

Healthy New Year

Forget about the Happy part, let's just make it Healthy. I won't feel bad about being mad at something as long as Brian is cured.

I was with Brian, Robbie, Vicki and David from Christmas Eve through Saturday the 27th. When Brian is not having any side effects, you would think he was ready to run a marathon or climb a mountain. However, when he is fighting the side effects, for a mother it is scary. I saw my father suffer with congestive heart failure when I was Vicki and David's age. And, then my mother with emphysema when I was in my 40's. It is very scary to see someone obviously not feeling well and you are unable to do anything about it or even understand what is going on.

I can tell you praying is about all one can do. Hopefully God or some Saint is listening. I have to confess that when he got sick, I told everyone to pray for him.
Surprisingly I have had a great response - around the world! All the relatives in Australia, Ireland and the UK have him on prayer lists in churches in the Barrier Reef, Belfast, Knock Shrine in Ireland, my mother's church -St Brigid's Killeshandra, Cavan,Ireland, my grandparents church,Kilronan parish, Roscommon, Ireland. The friends and relatives in the US are also getting him on prayer lists in Pearl River, NY, Nashville, TN, State College, PA,Morristown, NJ, Freehold, NJ. I don't care what denomination prayer list he's on. God listens to other religions also. In fact, my dentist who is a very religious Coptic Christian is praying for him. The surgeon who operated on my arm last year is Korean, He too is praying for Brian. So if you are so inclined, please add him to your personal or church, synagogue, or mosque prayer list.

It won't have to be a miracle if he is cured with the prayers of people around the world.

To all Have a Safe and Healthy 2009.

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