Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Five pots on four burners

Hey Brian and gang

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and I hope your commute was pleasant this week. Have to say, I am pretty much cooked out.

Knowing I would need all my burners I tried doubling the recipe for cranberry sauce. Guess what, it turned into Cranberry soup. The pot didn't know I had changed the menu. Well, I tried re-doing the soup into sauce. I am hoping it will jell. In any case, I have a back-up supply of cranberries to start over.

Next, I decided to cook chicken soup from scratch. The cooking process of converting chicken necks and backs into soup took 2 hours. Not bad!! Now I had twice as much chicken broth than I needed. Then came the actual recipe. Not wanting to repeat the cranberry disaster, I set up 2 batches to use up the double portion of broth. This required chopping, mixing and stirring with both hands while watching NCIS. I know you liked the chicken and rice soup I made for you. But I didn't think you wanted a gallon of chicken rice. So to half of the brew, I added barley instead of rice. Now you are required to drink literally a gallon of chicken soup, with a fiber choice!

Of course, all this is taking time away from the chocolate pudding and the turnips. Feeling in need of some consolation I decided on the pudding first. Reasoning: I could either drink the results or lick the pot if I succeeded in getting pudding instead of soup. Hurray, it turned into pudding.

Now today I am in a rush. Six pounds of turnips await. Will they be soup? pudding? or vegetable side dish!! Since I've done this forever, I am not so much afraid the recipe will fail. However, did you ever try to cut up a wax turnip. You need a chain saw. I've got 3 two-pound cannonballs to deal with. What will happen? Will I cut up my countertop? cut off a finger? or savagely demolish and eventually mash the turnips in butter. I better get started and stop this procrastination! See you tomorrow. Love and kisses to you all and a Happy Thanksgiving to all your bloggers.


fephy said...

You have me making turnips now! I can't even stand the smell but once a year, regular as clockwork, I make a dish of mashed turnips, yellow potatoes. Happy Thanksgiving to all, with wishes that the next year's celebration will be a better one.

Sara Bean said...

How are all the fingertips? Still attached? I hope everyone is hungry for tomorrow, it sounds like you have PLENTY of food!

Robbie said...

Everything you brought to the
Thanksgiving feast was delicious!!
The fingertip-less turnips were
scrumptious, and I think the non-
soup pudding and non-soup (thankfully) whipped cream were a
BIG hit.
thanks again. love, Robbie