Monday, November 24, 2008

SaraBean the Sage

Uncle Brian

You don't need a doctor, just call Sara. If she had a prescription pad she could take over Dr S's job. Thanks Sara, I left my Merck Manual in PA.

Maybe we can get Ginger Snap's in on the medical side of blogs also. Hey Ginger, do your friends in the animal kingdom get the same drugs for the same reasons. If not, why not? In other words, how do you treat a gorilla with constipation?

Brian to get the correct combo of symptom relievers, just mix 1 pill with a cup of chicken soup. More is on the way. By the way, some ethnic groups want to take full credit for chicken soup cures. I know for a fact that it was invented by the Irish.

My travelling companion, a first generation Sicilian-American raised on the lower east side, has provided a true Italian dish of meatballs and sauce. At this point frozen. She send her love and best wishes.

Now for some humor - first about the cook:"Everything she cooks turns out tough. Can anyone lend me a soup knife?" and • He found a great way to eat his wife's soup. He pretends it's mud.

then about the train commuter:• A SOUPerstition is the place where the platform is where one waits to catch the Soup of the Day and "We were eating in this open-air cafĂ© when it started raining. It took us an hour and a half to finish our soup."

And the Monday special questions:How do you feel about being SOUPervised?
What does a marSOUPial do?

Enough already!! Love, to all the bloggers and especially to you Brian XOXOXO M


Ginger said...

Yes, our friends in the animal kingdom do get the same medications. We are even treating cancers with similar protocols, as well as heart disease, diabetes, and constipation. You might not like the size of some of our pills, though.

Sara Bean said...

I, for one, would not like to take a gorilla pill! Nana, I had no idea "soup" was in so many words (MarSOUPial?) :) I had some of your soup tonight! It was delicious!