Friday, November 28, 2008

Secret Messages

I had no idea that some of my comments were actually being read. Accidentally, I hit on the comments link and low and behold there were a few comments from some loyal readers.

From Ginger Snaps I learned that our friends in the animal kingdom do get the same medications. We are even treating cancers with similar protocols, as well as heart disease, diabetes, and constipation. You might not like the size of some of our pills, though.

From Sara Bean: I, for one, would not like to take a gorilla pill.

So you lucky bloggers, there is hope for your pet gorilla. Any one like to share their favorite gorilla pill story!

To my sister inlaw, Fran who wrote: You have me making turnips now! I can't even stand the smell but once a year, regular as clockwork, I make a dish of mashed turnips, yellow potatoes - Nose clips work. The "regular as clockwork" is that a result of colace or dulcolax.

And also to Fran: The soup from a coffee maker is made without coffee grinds. Use a new filter!

To Sara,Robbie and Fran: I left the fingertips in the turnip water for flavor. You will get to taste that in the next batch of soup I made - Pea(sic)soup. Sara you should know that editing word.

Well, Thanksgiving was great. The company was good, the food delicious and Brian stayed awake throughout despite the glass of wine.

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